Thursday, May 24, 2012

Life Update

So as my life has slowed WAY down (a little too much if you ask me), I've decided to update you all on some happenings in my life recently. It's been a little obvious for anyone who follows me on twitter/tumblr/facebook or any other social networking site that I've been craving some change. Change for the better obviously. I want to meet new people, and do new things, but I don't entirely know what. (And admittedly I'm a little chicken to do much of it) So here's a few things I've been pondering for a while.

#1: Volunteer for something I'm passionate about. The problem is, passion has been hard to find lately. I think the one thing that I've heard of that I really want to do is work on an elephant reservation in Thailand.  Unfortunately I'm no where near Thailand. And needy elephants don't particularly reside in Colorado. Maybe I'll start on a smaller scale and volunteer for a humane society. Dogs are much more plentiful than elephants. But seriously. How can you say no to this face? Maybe one day I'll get myself to Thailand.

 #2: In light of helping others, I've been seriously considering signing up for the bone marrow donor registry at . Although my life has not been personally touched by somebody with Leukemia, I know that I am one of the lucky ones. If I were able to save somebody's life today, I would do it without a second thought. Life is beautiful and if I'm able to help somebody live one more day in it, I would not hesitate to do what I can. I'm going to encourage others to do what they can as well.

#3: Get a tattoo. My sister and I have been talking about getting matching tattoos for months, though we have to wait until she's 18 in a year to actually go through with it. That's probably a good thing considering it will probably take that long for both of us to agree on something wholeheartedly. However, I've always liked the idea of tattoos, but I am also extremely (and sometimes regrettably) rational and logical, making a permanent decision like that very difficult. I've narrowed it down to either birds or a lion, with some sort of quotes, but I am looking at elephants now, and those are adorable. I guess when it comes to tattoos, I will just have to keep you posted.

I guess all in all, I want to be a part of something bigger. Part of a group that is doing something to better themselves or better others. I've spent way too much time crying at tv shows where people are part of a collective whole. I feel like I've lost a sense of that since I started classes and work. I miss the days when I had things like theatre or student council to make me feel like I was a part of something which, if not particularly important, at least gave me a sense of purpose. I need to make more time for stuff like that in the future.

That's about it on the "Jordan" front. What have you guys been up to? Also feel free to follow me for random happenings of my every day life, because for some reason I'm under the 21st century disillusion that random people care about my life:

Twitter @jordankdavis

Stalkers have at it. Prepare to be bored to death.


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