Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Bucket List. By Jordan.

"And when they put me in the ground, I'll start pounding the lid. Saying I haven't finished yet. I still have a tattoo to get, that says I'm living in the moment." - Amanda Palmer

Oh Hi There. Bet you're surprised to see me here after all this time. Truthfully, I've been really inspired to write a blog multiple times over the past month, but I've been too gosh darn busy to actually act on it, and by the time I get around to doing it, I've lost my train of thought, and I'm left chasing after it like an idiot.

Anyway. Lately I've been thinking about all the things I want to do before I get too old to do them, and eventually die and am sad because I haven't done all the things I wanted to do. How can I be sad when I'm dead you ask? Um. It's just possible, alright? Question void. And it really discourages me that I may not be able to do some of these things in my life time. So here it is for all of you to see. And maybe we can fulfill them together! With rainbows and butterflies! YEAH!

BTW. These are in no particular order. Just randomly inserted when I think of them. 

1. Travel. The more I learn about the world, the more I really want to visit other places. Firstly, I'd love to travel the US more... because I've really only been to like 5 of the states. I really want to go to New York, Oregon, Washington, And pretty much anywhere on the East Coast. Then I would like to expand my horizons and visit Greece, Australia, Spain, Italy (particularly Pompeii area), and maybe Japan. I'd also go back to England, Scotland, or Ireland again in a heartbeat.

2. Fall in love. Once. Twice. Maybe even multiple times. As I've stated before, the human's ability to love is one of the most amazing abilities we have. And I want to love as much as I can while I can.

3. Get married. Have kids. The works. The one thing I know I want to do in my life without a doubt is be a mommy. Some people think that's really weird. But I've known I've wanted to do this since my motherly instincts kicked in when my sister was born. I just feel like I'd be good at it. I also feel like I'd be a really good girlfriend/wife if given the chance. After I get past all my awkwardness. But, alas, maybe I give myself too much credit. We'll see.

4. Get really super drunk. Just once. That way I'll never do it again (unless future me is an idiot), but will have had that experience, which I think most people experience at one point in their lives. May sound stupid, but I think it's important.

5. Get my heart broken. Ok now it just sounds like I want to do awful terrible things. But I think there is a lot to be said about a learning experience.

6. Get a tattoo. I don't know of what, but I would really like one that means something to me. I'd probably get it on my hip or on my ribs. I'd also be conquering my irrational fear of needles. Or am I afraid of doctors? I can never tell.

7. Be an inspiration to somebody. Maybe I already am. I don't know. I just want to know that I've truly touched the life of at least one person and possibly changed them for the better.

8. Have a high position within my career. My ideal job would be a production manager for a television program or newscast. Think Katherine Heigl in The Ugly Truth. I want to be in charge, respected, and look good in a pair of heels. Although, I'm pretty sure this goal may interfere with my housewife fantasy. I'll figure it out when it comes to it.

9. Get into working out. I did accomplish this... for like 2 months. I'd like to be one of those people who enjoys working out and makes time to do it. And does yoga on the weekends. I just want to be in better shape and be happier and healthier. It's not because I think I'm fat... but I would like to have abs... that would be nice.

10. Take an Art class. I've always felt like I was artistic, but lack faith in my artistic abilities. It'd be cool to get into that.

11. Take a pole dancing class. No judging. This just outright looks like fun. And seriously. Your upper body gets SO ripped. Seriously... look up pole dancing contests and stuff on youtube. It's pretty impressive.

12. Learn to play the piano. I really should have done this a long time ago. When I was a kid. Which is when most people learn how to play an instrument. But I was a dumb, shy child who didn't want to do anything. So I guess I'll make up for it later in life.

13. Live in a big city. Like Denver, New York, Chicago. I just love city life. And would like to do that for a few years. Preferably before the marriage/kids goal.

11. Get a Bernese Mountain Dog. They are freaking adorable. If you don't know what that is. Here's a picture. They are pretty big dogs. None of this little yappy annoying dog crap. Those don't count as dogs.
He says "Hello! I am your adorable fluffy friend and will never betray you!" Because dogs are obviously better than boyfriends. And they are also this adorable when they grow up too. Maybe I'll get a cat at some point too... but everyone knows dogs are better.

So um yeah. I'm sure there's more. I just wanted to get these out there. So you guys can hold me to them ;)

Lots of Loves!

UPDATE: AHHHH I totally forgot a super important one that I have wanted to do for years. And that would be Skinny Dipping. I'm always afraid of getting arrested though lol so if any of you have a safe place in which to do that. Let me know.